Children's Books

An Eartha & Audi Story
When Eartha and Audi met for the first time, they knew instantly they would be friends. They both liked cherries and school. When Audi invites Eartha to dinner, they learn that they are a little different from one another after all. Join Eartha and Audi as they teach each other about their differences and eat cookies.
Pre K to 1st Grade
Fernando Learns About Asking
Fernando is bored and wants to do fun things with his friends who live in and around the house.
As he visits Fly, Mouse, Bird, and Baby, he finds that he has upset his friends by interrupting all of their plans. But, why?
Join Fernando in learning the importance of asking.
Pre K to 1st Grade

Fernando Learns About Helping
The flea circus is in town, and Fernando could not be more excited! When he sees that his friends need his help, he has to choose between seeing the flea circus and giving them a hand. Join Fernando and friends as Fernando learns all about helping.
Pre K to 1st Grade
Fernando Learns About Sharing
Fernando has a new toy that he loves! His friends have new toys too. When Fernando's friends share their toys, he is excited! What happens when Fernando is asked to share his new toy? Let's find out together in Fernando Learns About Sharing, Book 3 in the Fernando Learns Series.
Pre K to 1st Grade